Sharp-shinned hawk
Scientific Name
Accipiter striatus
Identifying Characteristics
Very similar to the Cooper’s hawk, but about one-third smaller. The tail of the sharp-shinned hawk is squared instead of rounded.
Found throughout the forested regions of North America through Central America into Argentina and Brazil. A highly migratory species, it leaves the northern United States in September and winters in Central America. A few sharp-shinned hawks are seen around bird feeders in Minnesota every winter.
Like other accipiters, this is a bird of woodlands where it nests and hunts.
The sharp-shinned hawk builds a stick nest in deciduous trees or coniferous trees.
Feeding Habits
Feeds primarily on small songbirds.
Raptor Center Data
During the fall migration, the clinic admits 15-20 sharp-shinned hawks.
Conservation Notes
With a stable population, the sharp-shinned hawk is afforded no special conservation status.