Veterinary students and veterinarians
The Raptor Center offers an externship program for senior veterinary students and graduate veterinarians. Externs assist the interns, resident, and senior clinicians in the diagnosis and surgical/medical treatment of raptors admitted to the Center. The caseload is greater than 1,000 birds a year. During the rotation, externs will participate in several aspects of clinical medicine and surgery of raptors. This will vary pending our patients and caseload, but may include: captive management, anesthesia, medicine and surgery, avian hematology and imaging, and necropsy.
Applicants should submit a CV, a cover letter listing your main interests and what you expect to achieve/gain during your stay, one letter of reference (or a letter of support from your employer for licensed veterinarians), and proposed dates electronically to: [email protected]
Questions can be directed to: [email protected]. Please allow up to one week for reponses.
Veterinary technician students
Currently The Raptor Center is not offering externship opportunities for veterinary technician students.