
P4W has compiled a non-comprehensive list of materials, links, and other helpful resources for the various audiences we engage with. We continually work to both produce and source high-quality, up-to-date information for use by wildlife rehabilitators, veterinarians, wildlife professionals, and the general public. 

Resources for Wildlife Rehabilitators

Rehabilitator Skills and Knowledge List

View/download rehabilitator skills list HERE

This checklist and resources list is intended for prospective, new, and current wildlife rehabilitators looking for a system to track and guide their training. Please note, you must be a permitted wildlife rehabilitator or a licensed veterinarian to possess and treat wildlife. Refer to your state and federal regulations for more details.

Download a copy of the skills list via the link above, which will take you to a Google Docs version of the list. If you prefer viewing via Excel, download/export the list from Google Docs as Excel format and open on your local desktop.


Resources for Wildlife Rehabilitators and Veterinarians

Toolkit for Rehabilitator and Veterinarian Communications

View the Tool Kit here

 This toolkit for wildlife rehabilitator and veterinarian communication was created by Leslie Clapper-Rentz, DVM and Peggy Popp, Wildlife Rehabilitator as a product of a fellowship through the Partners for Wildlife program. Additional content was assembled by Laura Johnson, DVM, as part of her P4W Fellowship project. 


Introductory Video for Veterinarians

Below is a link to a brief video presentation developed to provide introductory information to veterinarians on how to render medical assistance to wildlife before transfer to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. 

The presentation was created by a veterinarian who is also a wildlife rehabilitator. We hope that it can be a useful tool for veterinarians who are presented with wild patients, either by licensed wildlife rehabilitators or by the general public who encounter and rescue sick or injured wildlife. We encourage veterinarians to share it with their staff and colleagues, and to fill out the brief survey on the site. This presentation and supporting documents were developed as a product of the Partners for Wildlife Fellowship Program.

For further information or questions please contact Dr. Laura Johnson ().