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Trending upward

What’s behind the steadily increasing number of raptors treated at TRC?

Weaving the future

The Raptor Center working to develop and launch a global network for raptor care

Letter from the director

I find myself filled with both reflection and anticipation

Persistence and progress

TRC continues decades long work to prevent lead poisoning in eagles.

Protecting raptors abroad

TRC lends expertise to preserve the Galápagos hawk population

Letter from the director

For 50 years, The Raptor Center has stood as a beacon of hope and compassion, tirelessly working to provide vital medical care and rehabilitation to ill and injured raptors.

Clinic statistics, Fall 2023

So far, the total number of raptors admitted to the hospital is similar to that of recent years. Looking back, this number has been at a slow but steady increase for the most common species found in Minnesota.

Letter from the director - Fall, 2023

As The Raptor Center (TRC) celebrates its 50th anniversary, we reflect on five decades of remarkable success in raptor rehabilitation, conservation, and global impact. Join us on this journey from humble beginnings to a promising future.

Agents of Change: Impact of helping baby raptors extends beyond the nest

Perched on a branch, eyes searching the foliage and ears at the ready, a young great horned owl calls for its parents. The sound is answered, not by the owlet’s biological parents but by another pair of owls with two chicks of their own.